See what others think about Gita

Article conferences, videos, interviews and more...

On this page, we gathered some of the projects others made about us.

In general, we can say that it is not our intention to show off but it's still flattering and here is a place to remember and say "Thank you for all!" to our partners that are still supportive and believe in our way :)



UPS premium Delivery Showcase - Gita jewelry 



UPS has chosen Gita to present how we use their premium delivery services.

This video shows what is happening “behind the scene” of Gita's production and how Gita is growing together with good partners.





UPS has chosen Gita to present how we use their premium delivery services.

This video shows what is happening “behind the scene” of Gita's production and how Gita is growing together with good partners.


This production includes some very high-end video equipment - it processed 2 days and include indoor and outdoor shots

using "Metaphor" post-production studios and their lovely professional team.


The production is a part of UPS big campaign that inspires more businesses (including E-commerce) to use their premium services.
Thank you so much, UPS, for your excellent team. With their help, you have become a part of Gita's success story.


Gita is the original manufacturer, which creates jewelry bases.
Many jewelry designers are using Gita as their "secret factory" worldwide in order to create their "jewelry dreams".
Using Gita's products jewelry designers can create stunning jewelry styles and save time and money on production.


Thank you, UPS :)


Gita and PayPal

Paypal international project crossing lands, choose Gita as one of 16 startups around the world to tell their story and to inspire online businesses



Take a glimpse of Gita jewelry - Wholesale jewelry making supplies Manufacturer.

Gita is an online platform to learn and buy beautiful components for jewelry makers.

As part of an international production,

Paypal company chose 16 Startup Companies from Different countries around the world and made a short film about their vision and how they are using Paypal as a payment method.

Thank you, PayPal :)



DHL - Port2Port Online sellers convention Tel Aviv 



The “PORT TO PORT” conference mainly talks about logistics, selling online and what is between them.



The conference presented innovative technological and logistic solutions for shipping in the growing e-commerce world in Israel. As part of the conference, Tali was participating in a panel that was held, presenting the experience of online sellers and their different point of views and the relationship between sellers and end customers. The panel illustrated different perspectives of logistics of online companies. What does a client expect to receive and what tools are available to sellers today? Tali introduced Gita's story and shared the main tips that helped us to deal with complex logistics overseas.
In a world, where factories are closing down and are moving to a cheaper production in the East, the plant of Gita, which produces all items manually, continues growing and expanding.



GO mobile #04 Israel annual summit - Ebay online sellers



Tali Kazarian was invited to be a part of a panel in “go mobile” international conference that takes place in Tel Aviv city every year.



The conference talks about innovation, start-up entrepreneurship and technological breakthroughs. The conference gathers senior technology leaders of Israel and around the world, including successful start-ups and large E-commerce such as eBay and PayPal.

Tali participated at the conference as part of a panel of prominent Internet marketers. She explained some of the key points and gave tips to new sellers. What should you pay attention to when setting up an online store, how to market an online store, and what to avoid when starting an online business? And  What tools helped us to succeed.

The panel was a central part of the conference and was conducted by representatives of eBay in Israel.


“Globes” - Printed newspaper - Main interview with Tali Kazarian


Globes is an economical addition of the “Maariv” newspaper and is considered to be the leading economic journal in Israel with millions of readers. After the article about Gita was published in the online newspaper "Saloona" - a reporter from Globes approached us asking for an interview that would appear in the famous newspaper. In the interview, Tali Kazarian (CEO and founder of Gita Jewelry Ltd ) tells about the early days of the establishment of Gita and about the difficulties and fears that we faced while setting up the new business. All started from one revolutionary idea, from the early days of Gita in our parents’ home until we moved to our own place and started recruiting workers.



“Saloona” Online Magazine - Interview with Tali Kazarian CEO



"Saloona" is a leading fashion and entertainment portal in Israel presented daily blogs and interesting articles on various subjects.



Tali narrated about the dream that has become a reality. Gita exports goods out of the factory in Bat Yam city worldwide. Tali also explained the idea behind Gita's products and how it could save time and money to jewelry designers as well as the reason why jewelry designers from all over the world and all business types feel connected to unique Gita’s products.

Link to the full article here:


